Thursday, February 23, 2012

February Update

Me oh my, I finally got my writing groove back and here I am updating everything. Okay, blogging is writing you know. I have been busy today getting contact information changed on my website and adding a little motto to go with DWE. In case you don't know what DWE is, that is my freelance writing site, where I help others improve their manuscripts. DWE stands for Dream Writers' Essentials. Boy I love being able to work from home, though at times, business is slow as a turtle. But, that is okay. If you happen to go to the new contact information for my website So, I hope you make a note of it. I have a fantastic web designer who manages my website. So, as soon as she can add the updates that I just sent her, the website will be good to go. Well, it is already good to go, but you will see the changes in the near future.

I have another website too. This one is my author website and it too will be getting an update because one book that appears there has a new facelift. Wohali and the Little People has a new cover; out with the old and in with the new. So an update will be coming to this website:

I have my to-do-list sitting in front of me and I am marking things off as they get done. I still have to work on this new query letter to send to this new publisher. I started working on it late last night. It is in a draft mode waiting for me to come and polish it up. As it turned out, I sent my manuscript to Flashlight Press, but since I haven't heard from them, it is time to move on. Not hearing from them means it was a rejection. But, I am not upset or mad....this happens sometimes, it's part of an author's life. Oh well, so be it.

This new one that I will be sending it to, if they accept it, I will blog about how and why I chose to send the manuscript to them. When I finish doing all the things I plan to do today, I will sit down and sort out the ideas that are popping up in my head. Oh yeah, something is brewing with my creative juices.

Today was so beautiful. I even managed to get outside with my grandson for a little bit. With the sun shining, it reminds me of spring and I am so looking forward to a new season, a new beginning and hot weather. However, need to tidy up this big ole yard. Might do that this weekend. Oh wait, I am suppose to do an author interview this weekend. See how precious my time is? Time is precious so don't waste it.

See you the next go around.....hang in there, summer is on its way.

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