Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March Chit Chat- Topic: While I Wait

Here I am sitting at my desk waiting for inspiration to come so I can write. Boy oh boy, I hate when this happens. I found five wonderful looking new publishers out there and I am dying to find the perfect match for me and my books. You know, a place to call home; after all, how can you rest when you don't have a roof over your head and me and my books need a solid roof.

I have two book ideas out there, they are in the hands of two different publishers. So I am waiting to hear back from them. I always hate this process, but it is something that all writers go through and I am no exception. Though I usually don't sit twiddling my fingers at this stage of the manuscript ride, today I find myself doing just that. It is like I am bored and I never get bored when I am sitting at my computer. I must get my writing juices flowing, turn on some ideas so they can start to flow. But, since it doesn't seem to be working today, maybe I should just sit back and relax, kinda take the day off. Kick my shoes off and just..........wait.

We are now 8 days into March. I am still waiting for spring to arrive. I know warm weather will inspire me so come on spring.....make my day.

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