Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Out with the Old and In with the New
Well December is almost out the door as is 2010. A new year is upon us and it is time to celebrate and be thankful. Oh and by the way, another milestone to mention is the fact that it is our wedding anniversary too on New Years Eve. My hubby and I got married in 1974. So, how many years is that? lol A long time eh?
For this new year that is coming, I hope to create at least two new books and finish the one that I am working on. I also need to find another publisher. I am missing New Line Press, but hey, they are moving down other avenues that do not include children books. However, they are still a remarkable publisher for romance and erotica. So, if you write in that genre, you should go check them out. You will not be sorry. I learned so much through New Line Press. Thanks for the joyous ride and experience Catherine.
Even though I haven’t written for a while on my blog, you can believe that I have not been neglecting my writing. I have been busy writing articles for Quality Gal. I have tried other sites for freelance writing gigs, but so far, I like Quality Gal the best. You get paid and graded on your articles, and guess what, I am an “A” writer. Now that is motivation to keep on doing what I am doing.
Well, happy New Years to everyone who reads this post.
Remember my books on Amazon. com in 2011. Do you remember the titles?
I will remind you before I go.
Broken Voices
A New Home for Her Cubs
Wohali and the Little People
Stories From Grandma’s Garden
Sugar and Spice Fairy Tales for Girls
Smiles and Frowns through Animal Town
Enjoy a good book today!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
November News Letter
Okay folks, here I am experimenting as I sit at my desk. Well, it is certainly not because I don't have anything to do that I decided to do a little experimenting. I just thought as a writer and an author, I needed a newsletter, so I created one. Let me know if it looks like a news letter to you. I welcome all comments and suggestions, for I don't know what I am doing. Like I said....I am experimenting, with my mind headed in the right direction. I hope I can add it here, if not, I am going to feel like an idiot.
Well crap, it is not working, can't upload my newsletter from "Word". I am going to have to work on this some more. I just have to figure it out. I know there is a way.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Getting Ready for the Holidays
Well, don't forget to add some great children books to you gift shopping list. We all know that kids need fruits and veggies for their growing bodies. They also need some great books for their minds. Books that will spark their imagination and let them dream and wonder; books that will take the edge off of boredom and the rainy day blues.
Since I am an author, I can't help but be an advocate for reading. After all, what good are books if there are no readers? What good are publishers if there are no writers and what good are authors if they don't have the creativity to write what they wish to say?
Broken Voices
A New Home for Her Cubs
Sugar and Spice Fairy Tales for Girls
Stories from Grandma's Garden
Smiles and Frowns through Animal Town's Storybook
Wohali and the Little People
Good Books for Great Minds!
Beat the crowds and order them on line.
chit chat: Winona's Book Shelf Corner
Winona's Book Shelf Corner
"Escape from Shady Grove Farm"
You can purchase this book at or you can purchase it from
Other stories inside this book includes:
Slowpoke and Speedy
The Bears Adventure Day
Duchy's Sunshine Party
Buster Brown Bear's Manner
Enjoy a good story today!
Friday, October 22, 2010
chit chat: Writing for Dollars
Writing for Dollars
There sure is a lot to write about today. Let's see, where shall I begin????
I was up late last night, on my computer of course looking for websites for freelance writers. I was searching for websites that pay writers to write articles. I found some pretty good ones too. I made a list of all the ones that I want to register for today. In my haste to get started on this venture, I already signed up to one website two days ago and was accepted. I wrote my first article for them yesterday, now I am waiting to see if the article was approved by the buyer. It didn't take me long to write the article because it only had to be a minimum of 300 words and I didn't have to spend a lot of time doing research on the topic. The pay is skimpy, but what the heck, at least I am getting my writing on and staying busy doing what I love to do. With a 300 word minimum, I think I can deliver several articles a day, depending on the topic and the research time involved.
A couple of days ago, I am happy to announce I received a royalty payment on two of my books that I wrote. Boy, was that some good news. Heck no, I am not rich by no means, but I am so happy with my results. Now I just have to keep it going, keep pushing my books that are on sale at A published author can never stop marketing, for when you do, you books stop moving. I can't let that happen because my stories are too good to be wasted. Though 2 books are doing well, Broken Voices and A New Home for Her Cubs, I have four other titles that need some recognition too, because I am just as proud of them too. Did you know that I have books that houses more than one story, each one has at least four stories when you look at the table of content page? These books have a combination of short stories in them, just right for bedtime reading, or when you have the rainy day blues. Let me refresh your memory on the titles. They are:
Stories from Grandma's Garden
Sugar and Spice Fairy Tales for Girls
Smiles and Frowns through Animal Town's Storybook
These books sale at
Oh, and I must not forget about my ebook Exclusive, Wohali and the Little People This is my first Cherokee Indian tale that is just right for ten-12 year olds. Oh heck, Y/A can enjoy this book too. Anyone who loves to read a great story will benefit from reading all of my books.
Well, gotta run, it is time for me to refresh my cup of coffee and make my run across the internet and make a few dollars. I tell you, it's going to be a busy day. I hope you enjoy yours like I am going to enjoy mine; after's Friday, the week-end is here!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
chit chat: An Author's Most Embarrassing Moment.
An Author's Most Embarrassing Moment.
Well, today was the day, my radio interview aired for the first time since I was interviewed back in September. It is airing for a full twenty four hours at
I have been waiting on this interview with much excitement. The few short minutes that I was on air started off just great. It was fabulous. I was answering questions without stammering. I was actually sounding professional. Both my husband and I were listening with big grins on our faces. I was so proud and he was too of me. However, at the end of the interview, I could not believe that I misspelled my own name on the show. I was in shock when I heard that big ole mistake for the first time. I literally gasped. What the heck????? I did not realize that big flubby-do until the interview aired. My nerves must have been really whacked that day. Now that is my most embarrassing moment as a writer/author.
When the host asked me to spell out my full name for the audience, I said just as proud as a peacock, "Wiona Rasheed". I must have been out of my mind, or my nerves were on edge for my name is spelled, WINONA....Wi no na and not Wi ona as I proudly related. When I heard that mistake, I could have just died! I couldn't believe it, especially since everything was going so well. Thank goodness I didn't flub up the names of my book
Now that was an embarrassing moment. Can anyone out there relate to this?
Signing off for now.
Winona Rasheed......Yes, it is spelled right.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
My Tuesday News
Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous! That's all I can say about this blog interview with Joanna Aislinn. Thanks for making my day Joanna. You are a super duper friend.
For those of you who are interested in my writing road trip, take a look at the website below. Joanna did a wonderful job putting this together.
A reminder for tomorrow. I know I said it before and I hope you aren't getting tired of me repeating myself, but I am going to say it anyway. My radio interview will be airing tomorrow. I will be tuning in and I hope you do too.
I started working on another Y/A book last night, the inspiration hit me and I was up writing at 4am creating a draft. I don't know how long this is going to take to write, but the juices are flowing. The other book that I started after "Broken Voices" is at a stand still because of writer's block. So it is on the back burner waiting for the Characters to start talking to me. This new book idea, the characters of Charlotte Whitfield, Sadie Collins and Effie Lewis are making themselves known in my head. Lets just hope that they keep talking so I can bring them full circle. Oh yes, I have to think of a title too. So, as you can see, this is far from being done. Will it be a short story? I don't know, this could be my first novel or novella as I plot, plan and organize. All I can tell you is that we will just have to wait and see.
Have a glorious Tuesday afternoon folks.
Hugs and smooches!
Monday, October 11, 2010
chit chat: Just a Friendly Reminder
Just a Friendly Reminder
So, don't forget to tune in on your computer.
I am listed under "upcoming authors" so look for me....Winona Rasheed.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
chit chat: The Fabulous Side of October
The Fabulous Side of October
Even though it is a taped interview, I consider it to be live.
Another event that is taking place right now is the interview that I did for David Kentner, well, it is being blasted all over the newspaper.
I do hope you check it out. If you do, leave a comment for me on my website, or on this blog.
In a couple of weeks, another blog interview will be airing too. I will post that information when it is up and running.
See why I say October is Fabulous?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
chit chat: My Interview with David Kentner
My Interview with David Kentner
Here it is Wednesday, September 22, and I am feeling like I am on the red carpet again as an author. If you are wondering about that website address above, click on it and find out who is featured on it. Oh okay, I will tell you. David Kentner interviewed me as well as others and he put the interviews up on his website. I have to tell you, as an author, this is an awesome experience. Being a writer/author gets better every day. I not only talked about my books, I talked about myself and how I got started in writing. David Kentner posed some very good questions for me to answer. He made me think about things that I had not thought about for years.I guess you can say while doing this interview, I had an awakening within myself, taking me back to when I was 13 years old.
Well, this is a short blog today, I just wanted to share my last interview with you, actually, this isn't the last one for September. I have one more to do. I will be sending it off today. It's another blog interview posting. I just love this technology of blogging. You can accomplish so much, making big strides in your endeavors as an author. Marketing has all kinds of avenues that one can stroll down.The opportunities seem endless.
I hope you enjoy the Interview that I had with David Kentner.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
chit chat: MY 9/11 Author Interview
MY 9/11 Author Interview
I just had my second radio author interview about an hour and a half ago. It was awesome, though like always, I was a tad bit nervous. For some reason, I developed a scratchy throat once I was in conversation. That was annoying, I tried to subdue the urge to cough. Thank goodness this interview was being taped and not going on air live.
That was the big difference between my last radio interview, on blog talk radio...I was live right then and there, couldn't make any mistakes or the entire listening audience would have heard.
This experience today was more relaxing and Don McCauley, the radio host explained everything before we got started. He told me what was going to happen, and what I could expect. It was like I was sitting at my kitchen table talking to a friend over doughnuts and coffee. If there was any mistakes made, it would be alright, because the tape was going to go to the editing room. We talked about my new book, "Broken Voices" as well as chit chatting about writing and publishing. The entire interview lasted about 13 minutes. Now that was quick and to the point, unlike the other interview which lasted about 30 minutes. Mr. Mccauly covered most of the talking points. When the interview was over, our conversation continued for about another 15 minutes, it was then that he began explaining the process of marketing and publicity for authors. I learned so much was just awesome, not a boring moment entered into the picture.
This interview will not be aired for about two weeks because of the editing process. But, I can look forward to my book and my name being announced on the upcoming shows of Under the Chilren's section. The interview will run for a month, at least that's what I think he said for free. After that, I can purchase the the license of the interview show and use it in my marketing strategy. This is the route that I want to take if my finances are available when it is aired. So, I am keeping my fingers crossed. As a writer trying to make a name for herself and get my books out there...all I can say is that I want it all!
I will keep you posted when my interview is going on air. You knew I was going to blog about it! Just can't help myself.....I am so excited.
Until the next time...put me on your list of favorite authors and my books on your bookshelves. You can't have one without the other.
Monday, September 6, 2010
chit chat: Labor Day Chit Chat
Labor Day Chit Chat
Boy do I love to chit chat. Here it is Labor Day afternoon and here I am sitting at my computer, happy as a lark and feeling content. For the last couple of hours, I have been searching the web finding places to go where I can promote my books. There are so many places in cyber space, it can literally blow your mind if you don't know what you are doing. I've skipped on over to virtual tour sites, places like Second Life, Meta Place and Reaction Grid; yes, I found those places online. I don't quite understand how their virtual worlds work, and to looked kind of complicated. According to the information, with these sites, you can set up meeting places and talk about your books and gain reading fans. Now that part sounds good. So I am seriously thinking about registering in one of them to see how it goes, as if Yoville and Petville aren't enough for me. lol
I also spent some time on the blog talk radio site too, trying to find more radios stations where I can be a potential guest. I made three request today. As you can see, I am still trying to get my books out there...pushing, pushing, pushing. I never get tired doing this. I guess I was struck by the interview bug. I have one guest blog to do, and would like to do more as soon as I can find where these sites are. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment and let me know. Some times I feel like a desperate author as I search the avenues of exposure. I even joined the "Red Room", my registration there is pending and I should hear from them within the next two days to see if I am accepted. What will I do there? Well, I actually don't know....All I can tell you is that it deals with literature and authors,so We will have to wait and see.
Well, that's it for now, I had my little coffee break, now it is time to get back to work. Yes, I am working on Labor Day.
Friday, September 3, 2010
chit chat: Library Book Event: 9-2-2010
Library Book Event: 9-2-2010
Yesterday was my first book signing event. It was awesome! My table was laid out with all kinds of goodies, goodies such as book information, post cards and business cards. I even had bookmarks. I sold some copies of "Broken Voices" too. I spoke about my books, each one of them and I had all 6 to show off. At this particular event, though I had all 6 books, I was only permitted to sale "Broken Voices". That's because that's what was in the contract. Yeah, did you know you had to sign a contract to do book events? I tell you, you learn something new everyday.
I had buyers and potential buyers in all walks of life coming to my table. A lot of people said they were going to check out my website and go to for my books. Amazon will be so pleased, books flying off the shelf. lol
All in all, I was excited from beginning to end. The open house was from 4-7 pm. It was a worthwhile three hours, leaving me wanting to do more at bookstores, the malls, perhaps even schools. One buyer was a teacher, she bought the book (Broken Voices) so that she could circulate it at the school where she works. I say that is pretty darn cool.
My next event will be held on September 11th. I know it is a gruesome sentimental day, but I am thinking positive and good things are going to happen on that day because I am giving an author radio interview. Details will come later. I am going to post so that you will have a chance to listen to the one and only...Winona Rasheed aka Nonnie Burns. Yeah that's me....Nonnie is my nickname and that's what everyone calls me whenever I go home to Troy. That's right, I still call Troy my home. I am talking about Troy, Ohio folks. I am a Troy Trojan. As a matter of fact, my 40th class reunion is coming up at the end of the month.
Well, it looks like I got off track a bit. My mind is flying. But that's alright, writers do that.....gotta stay focused. lol
Until the next time....If you are a writer/author....enjoy the benefits of your talent. For those who read.......
What Are You Reading Today?
Thursday, September 2, 2010
chit chat: What it is Like to be an Author
What it is Like to be an Author
When you are a serious writer, you can stay up until the early hours of the morning writing, especially when characters or ideas start talking to you. It will make you get up out of bed and start jotting stuff down. It will make you work out a scene that you stumbled on earlier in the day.
When you are a serious writer, it will take the place of housework, yard work, grocery shopping and make you catch up with all that other stuff later because you can't help but to put it on hold until you finish doing what you are doing. You can have the TV on, but you can't see it or hear it because you are deep in your work. Oh, and don't let the phone ring while you are busy being creative, if you are like makes your blood boil because you don't want the interruption, especially if the call is as unimportant as a telemarketer or a bill collector, or someone looking for someone else in your household. It will make you just wanna say....Ahhhh Crap! (of course crap was substituted for something else. I am keeping it clean here cause that's how I do.) lol
When you are a serious writer, no matter if you are writing a short story or a novel, when you are knee deep in it, you might not stop to eat until it is late at night... if you stop to eat at all. You just don't have time for it. That's why you keep a cup of coffee or a Pepsi and a bag of chips close at hand so you can keep going. Well, what can I say....that's what I do. It works for me!
A serious writer will always be thinking up new story ideas, especially when a writer is coming close to the end of a story that is almost ready to submit. After all, someone is bound to ask if you are working on anything new, and of course I am. If you are like me, you have on file old stories that need to be tweeked or worked on. I have stories dating back to when I first started writing for children, when I was enrolled in a writing course. That was the best thing that could happen to me as a wanna be writer back then. I learned so much aboujt writing and the process of it. It was then that I knew my destiny was writing for children and teens. All this happened back in the 90's. Before that I dabbled in writing adult material and poetry; bet you didn't know that about me. But you know, it just wasn't my niche and nothing came of it. I guess you can say I was in the wrong genre and going nowhere. When you find where you belong when it comes to writing, the genre will suit your style and it will fit like a glove, bringing you together like a marriage united. It is awesome when you find your niche.
Well, this is suppose to be a note, however, it is more like a newsletter. What can I say...I am a writer and I love to write. I am just doing my little thing until I drag myself out into the kitchen and cook boring. But doing's exhilerating! Writing, regardless of what or how much you write, it is an awesome experience and it can take you to places and situations that you have never been.
For me, it's author interviews and author events........I am loving the life!
Monday, August 30, 2010
If you are an author and have never had your first interview, you have something to look forward to. I encourage you to make it happen. But, while you wait on that big day to occur, here are some pointers for when you do have your first author radio interview.
Actually, an interview can come in all kinds of media outlets. My first radio interview happened to be an online blog talk radio interview. So, with that said, when you are ready to be interviewed over the phone, I suggest that you just sit back and relax. Pretend that you are having a phone conversation with a dear friend, and don't think about the thousands of people who could be listening. Know what you are talking about, especially if you are talking about your book, or the theme of your book. Make notes and have them at your disposal for easy access. I had mine sitting right in front of me. Another tid bit....though you may be thirsty or hungry during your interview, it is not a wise thing to be drinking or chewing on food while you are interviewing; you do not want those sounds coming through and being recorded. That would be yucky and distasteful. Think before you speak and choose your words wisely, even if you have to take a deep breath first and gather your thoughts before letting the words tumble from your lips. (I thought I was stumbling over my words during the interview, but I did alright, however, the next one will be even better.)
Most interview hosts will have you submit a list of talking points, or questions that you want them to ask. Be prepared, go over your list and answer the questions before hand, even if you have to stand in the mirror and talk to yourself. Let your words come out smooth...not using a lot of ers and ummm's in your interview as if you are searching for the words. (After listening to the recorded interview, I see I did use some ers and ummms.) That was not my intentions.
Though this is a fabulous experience for any author. Nothing can beat your first interview as you move up the ladder of success as a writer. Enjoy the lime light and this marketing tool for your published book.
With that said, take a look, or I should say, take a listen to my first author interview on the MOMRN blogtalk radio show.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
chit chat: Hey there people. Just wanted you to know that thi...
On the 30th of this month, I will be appearing on the online blog Rack Radio show, and then on September 2, I will be appearing at a DC library open house with my books. Then on September 11, I have another radio interview.
As they said back in the day....this is groovy. I am loving this. There is so much to do after your book has been published. I plan on writing about this experience when all of the events are done. This will be one long blog I am presuming when I start writing about this experience.
Just remember writers, it's not over just because your book is published. You have to market it too, or else your book will sit on the shelf collecting dust bunnies. We have to help our books reach their targeted audience.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
chit chat: Author Interviews
Author Interviews
A writer doesn't always have to be working on their manuscript, or searching for new ideas for a new book. But, they must always keep their writing juices flowing, even if its nothing more than a few sentences a day, or a few paragraphs a week. You can always write or talk on any topic or subject that floats your boat. At least you are writing and telling what is on your mind.
This is what is on my mind today: Preparing for an Author's Interview
Now that your book is published and in the bookstores, that's not the end of the road for an author. Now you have to market it and promote it. After all, it's not going to fly off the shelves by itself. You have to put the wings on it. One way of doing that is through author interviews. Get yourself on TV and the radio. Do online author interviews through blog radio networks. They are fabulous!
When you have been booked to do an interview, be prepared! Get ready beforehand, before the big day. Most interview host will ask you for talking points for the discussion about you and your book. What do you want to talk about? Have your questions already prepared and know the answers. You do not want to become tongue-tied. After all, you have to know what you are talking about and sound like it too. Show confidence.
My first radio interview will take place at the end of August, and the same thing that I am telling you...I am doing too.
But, most of all, it doesn't hurt to have a fabulous publisher helping you along the way, showing you the ropes and giving you hot tips and advice as you prepare. I have a fabulous publisher with New Line Press, who is educating me on the process. Catherine, you are remarkable!
Do you have a fabulous, dependable and trustworthy publisher that you are working with?
Chatter time
With my new book already set up on, I have been busy promoting my book. I have two radio interviews booked and I am going to be a guest author for an open house event at a library here in DC. I am marking my calendar of things to do and prepare for.
Being an author is fabulous and it sure does keep you busy after you have written the end to your story.
I’ve been doing a lot of online research too, finding places to list my new book. I have registered and signed up at sites aimed at writers and authors. Boy, to keep track of all this stuff, I am keeping a notebook of all the places that are now bearing my name and book information.
Right now, everything is about the new book, “Broken Voices”, but I can’t forget about my other babies, the oldie but goody titles. They can’t be pushed to the back burner. They have to stay up front too.
Oh, more great news to announce, “A New Home for Her Cubs” is going to be a print book too. It is coming out in paperback. The proof copy is in the mail as I type. I can’t wait to see it. With that said, all of my titles will be in both ebook and paperback form, which gives great options to my readers. The only book that does not come in paperback is Wohali and the Little People. I am going to have to get with the publisher and see if we can remedy that. With such a wonderful book cover, it should be a POD too.
Well, I have a lot of things to do today, I just wanted to touch base and let you know WHAT I HAVE BEEN DOING. I am on a fabulous roller coaster ride.